Welcome to The Griffith Academy's Blog

So what is this blog? Well you'll have to read and follow it to find out...., no really, it's about a day in the life of The Griffith's - us! A homeschooling family living each day to learn and learning to live each day, and the best part is doing it together.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snow, Taxes, Shopping, and my Robot Foot

Truth be told, winter is supposed to be a peaceful time of the seasons as things are covered in a pure white blanket of serenity and calm.  But not here in my neck of the woods, for even though we're blanketed with a crisp pretty snow and due to get more by the week-end it's been anything but peaceful and calm.

For starters  there was a roller skating accident about 2 weeks ago that left me with what my children have now deemed the "Robot Foot".  That's my walking air cast in the picture (and yes my foot is in it) as I have a fractured foot.  Needless to say I've learned not to help teenagers try to roller skate that do NOT have any balance whatsoever.  Hopefully though in 4 more weeks I'll be back to normal, as right now it's touch and go, as long as I am not up on it too much it doesn't hurt that bad, but when they want to go shopping or I have to be up doing chores boy does it get pretty painful and swollen.

We did get our taxes done and that's a blessing as it's allowed us to buy some needed toys for the kids we couldn't otherwise afford, help my parents out some, and pay our bills and there is even enough to begin to redo our great room and turn it into a master bedroom for my hubby and me.  That will also be an excellent way we've learned to provide some industrial arts/shop classes for the boys, I just pray they wait to begin til I have a stocked first aid kit and a fire extinguisher as my hubby in contrast could give Tim Allen who portrays Tim the  "Tool Man" Taylor on Home Improvement a run for his money and throw in 4 boys in the mess and well I'd say we'd almost have a pretty good sitcom of our own here.

Today we took a free day to just enjoy each other and also to get caught up on some household chores, but there is still much to do.  I think I could give those household shows about decluttering and ways to make things less cluttered a headache if they were to come visit us.  My house beats all so far as I know.

Tomorrow Annie has drama which she missed last week due to her birthday and the weather etc and timing of things so hopefully she won't be too far behind in the class as they only covered the Story of the Ant and the Grasshopper but still, I don't like it when she has to miss a class as it seems to throw us all off of schedule.

But she had a great party, I've got to upload into the computer her pictures soon and I will and write about it, hard to believe she's 9 now, but her party was grand and all her friends she wanted to be there came and she had a lovely time.  Me I'm glad it only happens once a  year for her.  Now no more parties until summer, but at least then the weather will be warmer and I shouldn't be needing a cast then I hope.

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