Welcome to The Griffith Academy's Blog

So what is this blog? Well you'll have to read and follow it to find out...., no really, it's about a day in the life of The Griffith's - us! A homeschooling family living each day to learn and learning to live each day, and the best part is doing it together.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Claw ....

The claw - it made it's way into our neighborhood today picking up the heavy trash that runs once a month here.  The claw - the low rumble approached, then the glued face to the window as my son Nick finds it worth his full attention beams with elation.  While I sat amazed watching his fascination this morning I wish many times his school subjects had that kind of charismatic effect on him.

Around lunch time he decides he wants to know a couple things about the magical claw.

#1. How much does it weigh?
#2. Could it pick up our car?

Deciding I didn't know the answers to this as - I'll be honest a career never interested me in the whole trash pickup thing, although my hubby works for a trash and recycling center called Rays - I did some research for Nick and here is what we have learned on The Claw:

#1.  A garbage truck can weigh 25 tons, about the weight of five elephants. (or more if you add in a claw which roughly weighs around 5000 pounds.)

#2.  A garbage truck's tires are as tall as the average five-year-old.

#3.  In the 1920's covered trucks were first introduced in Europe then by the 1930s, covered trucks were common place in the United States.

#4.  And yes the claw could pick up our car, considering they can pick thousands of pounds of trash up at one time.

Amazing the things you learn as you start the day....and with that said our day has neared another end with a few workbook pages assigned for homework...and still two garbage cans at the end of the drive waiting to be brought up....(but all the heavy trash is gone, thanks to The Claw)

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