Welcome to The Griffith Academy's Blog

So what is this blog? Well you'll have to read and follow it to find out...., no really, it's about a day in the life of The Griffith's - us! A homeschooling family living each day to learn and learning to live each day, and the best part is doing it together.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Snow Mom, We don't wanna get up!

We did get more snow this morning and have more coming in later this evening.  The kids will love it.

As you can see we got a pretty good covering.  Course noone's out and it's all so neatly laid down from falling slowly overnight and all morning.  And it smells fresh and crisp.  But it's cold, it's only 17 degrees out there.

And that prompted our discussion of snow and how they didn't want to get up and wanted to lay down for a just awhile longer.  So I was nice I let them.  Of course JJ has been up since 8 a.m. and check it out - my little man is not such a cave man after all (you should read that post of mine below regarding) you can tell he doesn't like the dishes scene, but hey he's over there I have proof he won't melt and can do it.

Now if I could just get him to work with his dad on that wooden kitchen drawer missing part of itself I'd be doing something, I keep telling him it's a good project for shop class....and the way I figure it's only a hammer some nails, and wood glue and oh yeah the wooden piece that's missing.

Well, now that brunch (breakfast + lunch) is out of the way, I've got them preparing for afternoon classes which will really be small considering they slept the morning away (but it was a nice treat for them)...and look what I found as I was toying with something for Home Economics :

Spotty Cat Wall Quilt Kit Giveaway

Gifted by Rachel’s of Greenfield

Image from Rachel’s of Greenfield

Kit includes: All fabrics and woolfelt® to complete quilt, complete patterns, illustrated instructions, batting, buttons, embroidery floss, and full size templates.

Contest ends January 29, 2010. You can enter once daily, so return often to improve your chances of winning!

Enter Give-A-Way Here

Now that's really cool and pretty.  Course I need to focus on projects the boys can do also.....I doubt they'd be willing to learn to quilt.

Oh and yesterday, it was expressed to me, during a chaotic class on Constantine in history that they thought learning history and learning bible was BORING, yep they said it but they more or less yelled it at me.  So does it really have to be boring?

Well, you can try out the Emma Leslie Church History Series for yourself ABSOLUTELY FREE!
And I'm yelling that out, as it's cool I think.  They are offering a FREE DOWNLOAD of the entire first book in the series, Glaucia the Greek Slave right now.  

The free download is only AVAILABLE THROUGH THURSDAY, JANUARY 28TH...
and since I have one child who is patiently waiting for us to get his Greek Mythology material and is fascinated with anything Greek, this might be up his alley.

To get your download - Click here! 

I'll let you know how it goes with us......for now off to do Math with Annie... 

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